3- page paper about someone who has had a quantifiable impact on the field of Deafness.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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(I have chosen to write about Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet it is due thursday night so willing to pay extra to have it asap) Rubric down below: This is a 3- page paper about someone who has had a quantifiable impact on the field of Deafness. This may also include how this person has helped contribute to the Deaf and Hearing communities. For example, how they have decreased barriers and or provided more access to ASL interpreting services and or classes for parents in ASL. This person does not need to be Deaf. They can be from any time frame in history, or can be someone current. They can be inventors, educators, entertainers or in any avenue of life that you choose. They do not need to be famous. Many have worked quietly behind the scenes for decades. Please send to me via email the person that you plan to write about in advance for approval. The paper is technically 4 pages, as the References are on a separate sheet of paper, attached to the end. MLA or APA style should be followed for formatting and references. Please also note that this assignment must be submitted via Canvas and the Turn it in link in order to be accepted and graded. If you do not turn in this assignment you will lose 100 points which will affect your final grade. Please see the instructor for assistance. If you need to turn it it a bit late, students may loose 10% per day it is late. However, it is better to turn in a paper for partial credit than to loose 100 points. Some examples of people that you may want to write about include: Marlee Matlin, I King Jordan, Andrew Foster. You may also choose someone that is listed in your Signing Naturally Textbook from the Deaf Profiles section and you can also use your textbook as a reference.

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