5 minutes PowerPoint presentation about The need and benefits of High speed trains

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a powerpoint presentation and need guidance to help me learn.5 minutes PowerPoint presentation about The need and benefits of High speed trains The paper should be about 1-2 double spaced pages long and shall address the topic assigned. The topic paper must be original work to the group, and this course. Merely copying and pasting information from sources does not constitute ‘original’, neither does ‘rewrapping’ an existing paper for another class in a GSC 5600 wrapper meet the standards for originality. Sources must be clearly referenced within the paper body and full citation information provided separately in the bibliography. I would encourage that you explore sources and citations from some of the practitioner-type logistics journals such as: Inbound Logistics, American Shipper, Global Logistics and Supply Chain Strategies, Journal of Commerce, Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management Review.
Requirements: 1-2

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