5 page paper on a major change initiative related to performance management or employee relationships

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Descriiption: 5 page paper on a major change initiative related to performance management or employee relationships
You will write a five page paper on a major change you would propose in an organization you are familiar with. The change must be related to employee relationships. Discuss how the change would unfold. What strategic considerations would you need to account for based on your reading this week? Next, build a power deck that could be used to explain the change to the executive leadership team highlighting the proposed benefits of the change.
Grading criteria: please see grading rubrics
Grading: 100 points
Make sure you comply with APA,
Fully addresses each part of the assignment descriiption. Includes need to know topics and future trends
Fully elaborates on how the change could benefit the organization in the power point deck.
Demonstrates exceptional ability to consistently use correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional. Free from APA, grammar and spelling errors with three references properly cited.

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