Do you feel that sign language is a form of verbal or nonverbal communication?

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Extracting and incorporating intercultural communication concepts and theories, do you feel that sign language is a form of verbal or nonverbal communication? How did you feel watching the short film, The Silent Child? What communication barriers exist for Libby? Given the parents’ decisions, how do you feel Libby will socially adapt, learn and grow into a young adult? As a parent, teacher, or sibling of a deaf child, would you do things differently? Be sure to answer all prompts and be sure to cite your sources, including our textbook. Please refer to the assignment rubric for grading criteria.
While this is not a requirement for this essay, consider conducting academic research on sign language using our LCC Library Databases. You can access these databases through the LCC Library online (databases are found on the left toolbar). Your grade will be reflected on citing your sources, but the use of our academic databases is not required….simply encouraged. Academic databases are resources you only have access to while enrolled in a college or university and offer academic and credible information and research findings. As a college student, accessing and utilizing library databases should be a skill you learn.
This paper should be approximately 3-4 pages in length and include a separate title page and reference page (both of these are should not be included in the page count). Use APA guidelines for formatting and referencing sources. Refer to the course syllabus and rubric for additional information and criteria.
As always, reach out to me with questions or if you would like to engage in further dialogue relating to this or any of our intercultural concepts.

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