How has decision-making evolved as part of organizational and leadership strategies?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Chester Barnard, a retired telephone executive and author of The Functions of the Executive, imported the term “decision making” from the language of public administration into the business world. Decision-making then replaced narrower descriiptors such as “resource allocation” and “policymaking.”
The introduction of that phrase changed how organizations and specifically leaders thought about what they did and began a new direction of action and desire for conclusiveness. William Starbuck, professor in residence at the University of Oregon’s Charles H. Lundquist College of Business sums this up in the following: “Policymaking could go on and on endlessly, and there are always resources to be allocated. ‘Decision’ implies the end of deliberation and the beginning of the action.”
Discuss the role decisions play for organizational leaders and respond to the following questions:
– Is there a set standard of what a ‘good’ decision is? Why or why not?
– How has decision-making evolved as part of organizational and leadership strategies?

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