Assess a child at a stage for meeting developmental milestones.

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Assess a child at a stage for meeting developmental milestones. You can assess a child of your own, or (with the parent’s permission and supervision) one belonging to another parent. Remember you may NOT ever be alone with a child unless it is your own. If you are assessing another parent’s child, you have the option of doing the assessment with the child or having the parent do it (this is best if the child is reluctant to interact with you). In this case, you will tell the parent what to do and then observe. If you assess another parent’s child, the parent must be present, but not suggest answers to the child.
If you are assessing your own child, don’t answer the questions based on what you believe is true. You need to do the actual skill assessments to verify the child’s ability and for your own experience in field work. If you are observing, the parent will ask the child to demonstrate the skill/milestone and you will take notes.
Some things may not be observable during your visit, such as “shows defiant behavior” so the parent will just report what they know on those points. For everything else, the parent needs to verbally cue the child to demonstrate the skill on the checklist. For example, if it says, “points to a body part,” the parent will ask (not show) the toddler to point to a familiar body part (i.e. “nose”) and you will observe if the toddler does so. It’s okay if the parent has to repeat the command, but they shouldn’t show the child what to do (such as point to their own nose).
Be sure you have all the materials necessary for completing the particular chosen assessment, such as a cup (for drinking), crayon and paper (for drawing), a ball to throw, or a child’s book (to point to pictures when cued).
Required responses for the Child Assessment paper:
For the 2-3 paged double-spaced typed project reflection paper, respond to the following:
1. What was the age and gender of the child? No name is necessary.Was it your own child or another parent’s child (verify the parent was present).
2. Where and how did you carry out the assessment (did you or the child’s parent do it)? What did you do to prepare for the assessment (materials, orientation to the tool, etc.)? How did the child respond to the assessment?
3. Did you have to make any adjustments during your visit to get a better response?
4. Would you make any changes for improvement if you could go back and do it again?
5. What were the results? (summarize the child’s skills under each category).
6. How did the parent view the results? Were they surprised or confirmed?
7. What goals did the parent make as a result of this assessment?
Depending on the age of child you are assessing, choose the closest assessment tool from ages 2 months to 5 years:
Click on the age of the child you are assessing to see the milestones.
2. Look under the section entitled, “What most children do by this age.” Look under each of the topics below: social and emotional, language and communication, cognitive, and movement/physical development to see what you will be assessing (preferably you, but the parent may do so if the child is reluctant).
3. Print off the “Milestone Checklist” (big square link on right hand side of page) pdf page (it comes in English and Spanish) that corresponds to the child’s age. Bring it with you to the assessment.
4. As you go through the screening, check off the boxes and make a copy of the filled out checklist to give the parent (save the original to scan and submit to Canvas). If it’s something you cannot assess in your visit (such as “goes to sleep without fussing”), just ask the parent what they think. If you aren’t sure what that skill involves, click on the icon next to the skill. There is a video clip or image to view for a visual reference.
5. At the end, ask the parent to set goals for skill development based on the results.
6. Scan this completed checklist as proof that you completed the assessment. Submit it as a separate file, along with the answers you have written (questions above) in your paper to Canvas.

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