An individual essay on identifying Catalonia’s comparative advantages.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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An individual essay on identifying Catalonia’s comparative advantages. Word Count: Between 1.000 – 1.500 words. In order to boost the Economy after covid-19’s the European Union has created the EU’s Next Generation program, which consist of European funds available to EU member states to modernize and boost their economies. Your assignment is to identify one sector or one strategic project and argument why Catalonia should use Next Generation funds to boost or modernize this specific sector or project, to do it so you should use empirical data, academic references and the theoretical arguments that we have seen across the lectures. Guidelines for Evaluation Clarity of writing and exposition Use the Economic Theory and concepts discussed in the lectures to justify your choice of sector or strategic project. Finding, commenting, and referencing properly state of the art research and data. Providing a strong take-away conclusion that uses economic theory and research to provide an insightful economic policy recommendation.

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