Analysis of Elements

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Main Ideas (list 4-5 main ideas of the writing), Short Summary (one paragraph 4-7 sentence). List the elements of each paragraph and write a Hypothesis (2-3).
Analysis of Elements = Take the writing apart and isolate the element. One takes the simplest of notions, ideas and facts from the communication.
You distinguish the facts, ideas and notions and separate them. You look for the elements that make up the communications. Verbs or nouns- can also constitute important elements. In science terminology words or definitions can be elements.
Elements can be in the form of words, terms, phases, whole sentences that represent facts, ideas, notions, hypotheses, opinions, etc. 
Main Ideas And  Short Summary.
Read the pre text ( pages 5-6)
List 4 – 5  Main ideas
Write a short summary ( one paragraph 4-7 sentences).
Write the elements you have discovered in each paragraph one below the other with bullet points.
Write a hypothesis/ generalization (2-3 sentences)
Read exercise I (pages 14-15)
List 4 – 5 Main ideas
Write a short summary ( one paragraph 4-7 sentences)
List the elements
Write a hypothesis/ generalization (2-3 sentences)
Read exercise II ( Page 16)
List 4- 5 Main ideas
Write a short summary ( one paragraph 4-7 sentences)
Write the elements you have discovered in each paragraph one below the other with bullet points.
Write a hypothesis/ generalization (2-3 sentences)
Read exercise III ( pages 18-19)
List 4 – 5 Main ideas
Write a short summary ( one paragraph 5-7 sentences)
Write the elements you have discovered in each paragraph one below the other with bullet points.
Write a hypothesis/ Generalization (2-3 sentences)
Read the post- text (pages 20-22)
List 4-5  Main Ideas
Write a short summary ( one paragraph 4-7 sentences)
Write the elements you have discovered in each paragraph one below the other with bullet points.
Write a hypothesis ( 2-3 sentences)
Any questions please ask me.

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