Apply critical thinking to the application of design to operations management in an informative essay

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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In this assessment, you will apply critical thinking to the application of design to operations management in an informative essay in which you specifically address the topics listed below. You can select an operations management environment of your own choosing, however ensure it is realistic and real world applicable, reflecting good judgment, business sense, and critical thinking skills. Consider the following topic and follow the instructions below; remembering to complete all elements of your assessment: Facility Design Create a facility design within an operations management environment, using real world research to support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description of the elements of the facility design, that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a real world scenario. Ensure each topic is covered to appropriate breadth and depth demonstrating knowledge of the module concept and critical thinking skills. Any diagrams or design elements should take up no more than 1/2 a page, allowing at a minimum a 1-1/2 pages of narrative to accompany and demonstrate critical thinking skills related to the diagram or design element created as part of your Assessment. Minimum Submission Requirements ? This assessment should be a Microsoft Word® (minimum 750 words) document, in addition to the title and reference pages. ? In addition to the current APA style title page and reference page; ensure your paper covers the assigned topics, with a focus on quality. The following items provide additional guidance as to writing expectations.

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