Are boys and girls differently socialized for leadership roles? 

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Instructions: Your post should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs. Simply posting your opinion will not guarantee you any points for the week. You must be able to make intelligent connections between the discussion question topic and course content. Your response should reference relevant concepts, theories, and/or findings from the textbook, additional readings, and lectures. 
1. What messages do girls and young women receive about their gender that might dissuade them from becoming leaders? 
2. Are boys and girls differently socialized for leadership roles? 
3. How do our notions about leadership fit (or not) with our notions about masculinity and femininity?
Please be sure to cite your sources of information, including empirical research (some resources can be found under “Additional Readings” in this week’s module), in your argument as well.

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