Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.

Posted: July 19th, 2022

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Assess the roles and impacts of various stakeholders within U.S. healthcare systems.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
Due to your background as an expert consultant for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (or CMS), you have been encouraged to apply as Director of the agency. You are scheduled to interview with the top government executives in healthcare and must present information on the roles and impacts your future stakeholders have on healthcare.
Research the impact of various stakeholders on balancing quality, access, and costs. Stakeholders to include in your research are:

Patient’s families
Insurance companies
Pharmaceutical firms
Report your findings on the role of each stakeholder and the impact they have on the U.S. healthcare system in a detailed issue brief, including recommendations for improvements each stakeholder can make to improve quality, access, and costs.
For writing assistance, please visit the Rasmussen College Writing Guide.
APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
Click this link for help on creating an issue brief.

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