Better understand how various factors affect the ways authors craft their arguments.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to better understand how various factors affect the ways authors craft their arguments. In this paper you will analyze the ways in which authors have considered the audience, purpose, stance, context, and medium/design when they constructed an article or essay. Learning to approach a text in this analytical way will help you better understand how complex texts are written and will familiarize you with using those strategies in your own persuasive writing. Task – Write a 5-6 page analysis essay that discusses this article: Gawande, Atul. “Why Americans Are Dying from Despair.” The New Yorker, 16 March 2020, First, summarize the text’s overall content and scope, and then offer a detailed, well-structured analysis of how the author has incorporated the needs of the intended audience, a specific purpose, a particular stance, a larger context, the demands of the genre and of the medium/design. Follow these specific steps: Provide relevant information about the text, the author, and the subject. Include a main take-away (thesis) that indicates how your paper is structured and what it is about. Use appropriate “evidence” for your textual analysis, including concrete details from the text and in-text citations. Specifically analyze the text’s “rhetorical situation:” genre, audience, purpose, stance, context, and medium/design. Make sure your paper represents a fair and accurate summary of the text. Use exact quotations and accurate paraphrases to support your claims. Describe in detail what the text says and HOW exactly it says it.

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