Briefly summarize what the resource advocates (or implies) to be done to address your issue.

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Read the article and write a summary following the instructions.
In the summary you must:
-Give an overview of the information in, or purpose of, the online resource.
-Briefly summarize what the resource advocates (or implies) to be done to address your issue.
-Briefly identify the data provided in support of the resource’s position.
Note: You must write the summary in full sentences, addressed to uninformed readers (such as your friends or family); do not use bullet points.
This assignment will be graded pass/fail according to these rubrics: Relevance to assigned material: the posted ideas indicate that the student has read the assigned material. Clarity, coherence: the ideas are stated clearly and coherently. Critical thinking: there is evidence that the student has adequately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the assigned material. Spelling, grammar: the posting must meet university-level standards of spelling and grammar. Be sure to break up your post into paragraphs for clarity. This is extremely important. I will be very strict about this so proofread your posts! Avoid paraphrasing, use your own words and do NOT plagiarize.

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