Can you ascertain any specific information about the safety and health management programs?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Voluntary Protection Programs
Michigan Detroit Edison Energy – Fermi 2 Newport, MI Star Site Based 4911 221122 State
• 1The company name, location, type of VPP approval, jurisdiction, and type of industry.
• 2Is it a site-based or mobile workforce?
• 3Then, provide information on the VPP site that provides insight into the motivation to work towards VPP.
• 4For example, when did the site achieve VPP approval?
• 5Can you ascertain any specific information about the safety and health management programs?
• 6Does the VPP site hold other industry certifications for associated programs like ISO 9001,14001 etc.?
• 7NOTE: For larger companies with multiple sites, the information may reside in corporate-level information rather than by the actual site. Additionally, smaller organizations may not have readily available information on the Internet.

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