Character Development paper.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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This is a Character Development paper. You will pick a character from the short story and answer the following:
Initial Character (This should be a minimum of one paragraph.)
How do you imagine the character physically appears at the beginning of the story?
Please include a direct quote from the story to support your choice in the discussion.
Conflicts Paragraphs (There should be two paragraphs per each conflict): Man vs Man, Man vs Self, Man vs Nature, Man vs Society answering the response below
Discuss this Conflict – Please include the following points in your discussion.
* This is not a question / answer response, but rather thoroughly developed paragraphs.
1 – Who or What is the main character in Conflict with at this point?
2 – What TYPE of Conflict does this represent? You must include the Literary
3 – How does this Conflict change the character? There must be a change discussed. IF you do not see this as changing the character, please use another Conflict.
Final Character (This should be a minimum of one paragraph.)
How do you imagine the character physically appears at the end of the story?
Discuss *why* you choose this picture. Please include a direct quote from the story to support your choice in the discussion.
Self Reflection (This should be a minimum of two paragraphs)
Discuss something you learned from the Portfolio. This does not need to relate to Character Development. You may have learned something new about a place or a time period or a group of people.

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