Chicago style-discussion board response to a peer.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Chicago style-discussion board response to a peer. Must have parenthesis style in text citations not footnote. In addition, keep in mind that simply telling another student that you liked their answers, restating their answer in your own words, or telling them you had as similar idea then repeating your own answer all will not earn credit. Your job in your responses is to add to the discussion NOT critique your peers The questions the student was to answer was- identify THREE (3) insights they offer about Early American History. and identify THREE (3) ways that an individual or group within the document stood in opposition to the “norms” (gender, race, economics, etc.) for their society. I will upload the resources they used and you must use them as well and only these sources.Please add to discussion and do not critique their writing. The first document is what you are to respond titled discussion response 3. Only use the sources I have given you to respond

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