Compare and contrast the points of MTSS and IDEA to meet the needs of students with behavioral needs is also needed.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Research and compare the systems of PBIS and IDEA as a means of supporting students presenting with socially maladjusted behaviors and emotional behavioral disabilities. All students receive support through PBIS. The main method of support for students who are deemed eligible under the EBD IDEA categories is through their IEP, including accommodations/ modifications and specially designed instruction. Include topics such as similarities, differences, impacts on teaching/learning, stakeholders, type/intensity of support.
Details: Research MTSS (PBIS) and EBD (IDEA) using peer-reviewed research and reputable websites, including information regarding the identification, service delivery, student characteristics, etc. under PBIS (tiers 2 and 3) as well as under IDEA for a student with a classification of EBD. Also, include commonalities between MTSS and IDEA classifications and contrasting points between MTSS and IDEA classifications. Compare and contrast the points of MTSS and IDEA to meet the needs of students with behavioral needs is also needed.
– Insert in-text citations and a reference list for at least 6 resources
(3 for PBIS and 3 for IDEA) –

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