Compare and contrast the safety and health regulatory environment existing at the time of the tragedy with that of today

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Unit I Essay
Throughout history, there have been workplace tragedies that helped to shape the field of Occupational Safety and Health
(OSH) as we know it today. For this assignment, you will choose one significant workplace tragedy. To complete the
assignment, you will need to address the following items:
Summarize the tragedy you selected and how this event helped to improve workplace safety and health today.
Compare and contrast the safety and health regulatory environment existing at the time of the tragedy with that of today.
Identify existing OSH regulatory and/or consensus standards that have likely helped to prevent a similar tragic event.
Your paper should be at least one page in length, not including the title and references pages. A minimum of two sources
must be used, one which may include the textbook. Your paper must be in APA style format.

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