Identify at least 5 policies and practices (to include societal, criminal justice practice and/or legal etc…)

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Instructions: Watch this 9 minute YouTube video on Noregian Prisons (Links to an external site.)
In a 5 to 7 page essays do the following:
1. Compare and contrast the United States and Norwegian prisons.
2. What components of the Norwegian approach to incarceration could be adopted and/or modified for the United States.
3. Identify at least 5 policies and practices (to include societal, criminal justice practice and/or legal etc…) in the United States that could potentially interfer with adopting and/or modified the Norwegian approach to incarceration
Your submission needs to include at least 3 peer review sources – one of which must be your textbook.
Formatting requirements:
5 to 7 pages
Times New Roman, 12 font, 1 inch margins
APA in-text citations & reference list (reference list does not count toward 5 pg min)

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