Compare assessment results, reflect on your identified strengths and weaknesses.

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Part 1: Complete the following assessments. Part 1 of this assignment requires a narrative (one page maximum) that summarizes your assessment results and identifies your strengths and weaknesses (see Personal SWOT Analysis Submission Guidelines rubric)
*DISC Personality Test: ATTACHED
*Grossman & Valiga Leadership Characteristic and Skills Assessment (parts 1 & 2, pages 32-36)
*Creative Ability Scale (Grossman & Valiga, pages 137-138)
*Clifton Strengths Finders Assessment (Optional)
Compare assessment results, reflect on your identified strengths and weaknesses.
Show your results to others and take into account both your perspective and the view others may have of you.
Part 2: Part 2 of this assignment requires a personal SWOT Analysis in a matrix format (see Personal SWOT Analysis Submission Guidelines).
*Review SWOT Analysis, Personal SWOT Analysis, and SWOT Analysis Worksheet on the Mind Tools Website.
*Utilize the tools to demonstrate understanding of SWOT by constructing your own personal SWOT Analysis Matrix•
Save your assessment results and SWOT analysis as they will be useful in formulating your Personal Strategic Plan. As you are working your way through this course, begin to think about your vision for nursing, your vision for yourself in your current practice setting, your vision for yourself as an advanced practice nurse, and how you would utilize your strengths to purpose your vision

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