Compare Bayles’ discussion with Meyers’ discussion of essential elements of professions.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Writing Assignment on Bayles, Meyers, and Essential Qualities of Professions.
Prompt: In Bayles’ “What Is a Profession?”, he notes: “no generally accepted definition of the term profession exits, yet a working concept is needed for our study of professional ethics” (p. 56). In order to provide a working understanding of what a profession is (as opposed to an occupation, trade, hobby, etc.) he goes on to discuss “three central features” that characterize and distinguish professions (he also considers “common features” of professions, but I want you to focus on the “central features”).
In your short writing assignment, first, discuss the “three central features” of professions that Bayles identifies in his essay (in other words, what are these central features and why does Bayles think they are significant?). Second, evaluate Bayles’ central features. Do you agree with Bayles that these really are the central features that distinguish a profession from other forms of work? Why or why not? Third, compare Bayles’ discussion with Meyers’ discussion of essential elements of professions. How are their accounts similar? How are they different?
Be sure to cite and discuss specific passages from these readings to support your response. To cite an author in the text of your assignment, use this format: “….. (Author Last Name, page #).”

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