Compare how the two scholars, Smith and Prothero, discuss “prayer” in Islam and in Christianity

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Read where Smith and Prothero discuss “prayer” in Islam and in Christianity. It is interesting to compare how the two scholars, Smith and Prothero, discuss “prayer” in Islam and in Christianity. Smith finds that continuity between Christian prayer and Islamic prayer while Prothero sees the discontinuity between them. The reason that the two scholars differ in understanding the religion in general and prayer, in particular, is that Smith’s runs a thin analysis while Prothero does a thick analysis.
Smith emphasizes the spiritual perspective to explore what prayer is in terms of faith and ethical mind. For Smith, prayer is more than a ritual. It is an intimate communication or confession with God. This is a typical thin analysis. When you do that, the two religions seem very similar. On the other hand, Prothero, in his thick analysis, discusses how each religion’s prayer as a human practice is linked respectively with different goals of the religion. For Prothero, prayer is one of the routine rituals embedded in the religious tradition.
Then, are the two religions and prayers similar or dissimilar? The answer depends on how you look at them. What do you think? Write in no more than 250 words but no less than 200 words.

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