Compare the three software options you recommend using in your new business venture and explain your choice.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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This discussion assignment tests your critical thinking skills in analyzing current available project management software for a new business venture. Conduct some research on your own for project management software appropriate for start-up companies.
The first paragraph of your response will be a synopsis of the software options you discovered during your research. Identify three viable options and then rank them in the order of your preference. Compare the three software options you recommend using in your new business venture and explain your choice. New business venture is McDonalds.
The second paragraph is a discussion of why the HR team needs access to the project management application. What other departments should also have access to the software?
NOTE: Students are required to utilize at least one high-quality source outside of the module and cite it in their initial discussion response. High-quality references come from peer-reviewed academic journals or textbooks.

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