Complete this activity after you have submitted Debunk the Junk

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Complete this activity after you have submitted Debunk the Junk: Sort Fact From Fiction – Part 1.
Select a nutritional product or popular diet to use as the focus of this activity. Take a screenshot of the website
Using an internet search, find a nutritional product or diet that you have used in the past, are interested in, or want to learn more about.
Using the C.L.A.I.M. Method you learned about in “Sort Fact From Fiction – Part 1”, debunk the so-called health/nutrition claims surrounding your selected product or diet.
This assignment should be 1–2 double-spaced pages in APA (7th ed.) format. Be sure to cite your resources.
Include a screen-shot of the website that features the sale of this product.
Sunday, by 11:59 p.m
Submission and Assessment Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 2 double-spaced pages in length.
Submit your written assignment as a Microsoft Word document. For help on how to submit your assignment, see Submit an Assignment.
This activity is worth 25 points toward your final grade.
Read the Written Assignment Rubric below to review the assessment criteria for this activity.

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