Compose the initial post based on a thesis statement.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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This week, you have examined the growing influence of the United States in the world. Drawing evidence from the “America and the world” historical readings for this week, compose an initial post highlighting three major motivations or factors for expanding America’s role in the world. There are a number you could choose to focus on. Compose the initial post based on a thesis statement. A thesis is a focused argument based on your reading of the historical documents.
You are expected to pull evidence from multiple documents to support your argument. No outside sources are allowed. You may draw from the lectures and the textbook reading to help provide context BUT your post should draw evidence primarily from the historical readings for evidence.

In your post, be sure to:
State a clear thesis
Use evidence from the historical documents to support your claims
Your initial post should be 200-400 words (200 min)

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