Conduct a search for recent research focused on the application of clinical systems.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Review the Resources and reflect on the impact of clinical systems on outcomes and efficiencies within the context of nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
Conduct a search for recent research focused on the application of clinical systems. The research should provide evidence to support the use of one type of clinical system to improve outcomes and/or efficiencies, such as “the use of personal health records or portals to support patients newly diagnosed with diabetes.”
Identify and select 4 peer-reviewed research articles from your research.
For information about annotated bibliographies, visit
The Work: (4-5 pages not including the title and reference page)
In a 4- to 5-page paper, synthesize the peer-reviewed research you reviewed. Format your Work as an Annotated Bibliography. Be sure to address the following:
Identify the 4 peer-reviewed research articles you reviewed, citing each in APA format.
Include an introduction explaining the purpose of the paper.
Summarize each study, explaining the improvement to outcomes, efficiencies, and lessons learned from the application of the clinical system each peer-reviewed article described. Be specific and provide examples.
In your conclusion, synthesize the findings from the 4 peer-reviewed research articles.
Use APA format and include a title page.
Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

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