Conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Overview: For Final Project Milestone One, you analyzed Bellevue Hospital, and in your Module Four Worksheet, you practiced completing a very basic SWOT
analysis. Now, for this second milestone, due in Module Five, you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the internal and external market factors that
impact the Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to market for the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this proposed service. Throughout this
milestone, apply the marketing fundamentals of conversion of consumers to customers.
Prompt: First, review the text readings and course resources you have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project Milestone One and Module Four
Worksheet submissions and instructor feedback to those submissions. The SWOT analysis you completed in the Module Four Worksheet is one method by which
to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also refer back to the Bellevue:
Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis.
Next, within 2–3 pages, conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a
service to market for the organization and develop marketing goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how the proposed marketing goals align
with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. Keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the SMART goal framework (specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely)

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