Conduct additional research on Pratt & Whitney to find any further insight into the company’s occupational safety

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Conduct additional research on Pratt & Whitney to find any further insight into the company’s occupational safety, health, environmental, and risk management efforts.
Once you have located the needed information, write a short 1-2 page paper that includes the following points:
1.Name of company and location.
2. Type of industry and products, i.e., manufacturing and brakes, number of locations, and number of employees, and EHS professionals.
3.Two or three paragraphs on the specific criteria that the company excelled in that you believe contributed to the award.
4.What stood out to you about the company?
5.Did the company develop an innovative process or program, a significant reduction in injuries, safety culture communication, accident prevention, etc.?
6.Did you find any areas in the company that may need improvement or more emphasis on the future? Is the company growing, changing locations, adding products, etc.?
Include the article link with your references in the appropriate APA format.

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