Consider how werewolves stem form greek mythology and have evolved.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Topic: Consider how werewolves stem form greek mythology and have evolved. Consider the fairytale of Little Red Riding Hood as insight into this myth. How are the various version of little red different? What do they tell us about monsters?
Before this discussion read “Little Red Riding Hood” (original fairytale) by Charles Perrault, “Little Red Cap” by Brothers Grimm, and “Little Red Hood” by Lower Lusatia.
“Scholarly/Secondary Sources-Before this discussion, prepare by reading “Little Red Riding Hood: To Be Chaste–or Chased?,” “Cloaking the Heroine,” and “Red Riding Hood Redux: The Cross-dressing Wolf” from the book Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality, And The Evolution Of A Fairy Tale by Catherine Orenstein. Also, read “The Werewolf Phenomenon” from the book The Essential Guide to Werewolf Literature by Brian J. Frost and the Introductionfrom the book Werewolf! edited by Bill Pronzini
Critical Thinking
Student must respond with the same academic rigor as first post (see example on syllabus)
All three posts must use, quote, and *cite the required and professor provided scholarly readings.
All 3 posts should be a minimum of 150 words, excluding quoted material and citations.
*Citing the reading means using proper MLA in-text citations and a proper Works Cited for each post. Review proper MLA here. I’ll add all webpages below as well as attach files.

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