Create a blog post that they can post on the company website to promote one of the applications your team is developing

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. The Marketing department has asked you to create a blog post that they can post on the company website to promote one of the applications your team is developing. The audience for this blog post is non-technical potential customers. You asked one of your developers to draft the blog post, which you will then revise before sending it to the Marketing department. The developer has just sent you the draft of the blog post.
Review the attached blog post Word Document and revise it so the blog post uses appropriate:
Style and tone
Inclusive language
Technical language/explanation
Writing mechanics (e.g., spelling, grammar, punctuation)
You will be modifying the actual blog post to create a final product that can be given to the Marketing department (i.e., you will be making the desired changes within the document, not providing editing comments).
Guidelines for Submission
To complete this activity, you must submit a blog post.
The final blog post must:
Be 400 to 500 words
Be submitted as a Word document or PDF
Completely address all of the requirements in the Prompt section

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