Create a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) with strategic implications

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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This order is phase 1 of a 3 phase project. I have attached the entire project guidelines, however, please note the information below is only what is required for this order.

Part 1: Introduction of the company – Under Armour (limit to a maximum of three double-spaced pages).
• Descriiption of the firm and its products
• Company history (brief history, critical events, competitors, leadership), including strategic elements of its history
• Vision and mission statement
• Assessment of mission and vision
Part 2: External assessment
• Create an External Factor Evaluation (EFE) – 4 or 5 factors for threats and 4-5 for opportunities; quantify the factors as much as possible
• Create a Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) with strategic implications
• Analysis of competitive position, opportunities, and threats
Part 3: Internal assessment
• Create an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) with strategic implications – 4 or 5 factors; quantify the factors as much as possible
• Financial ratio analysis with key conclusions and implications for strategic choice
• Overall analysis of internal capabilities and implications for your strategic decisions
Note: the EFE, CPM, and IFE Matrixes should not be included in the body. They should go at the end in the appendix section.
I have attached examples of each as well. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information if anything is unclear.

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