Create a concept map to demonstrate connections you have made while learning about concepts in the video.

Posted: July 5th, 2022

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For this assignment watch the following video:
Motivate Employees (Links to an external site.)
After watching the video:
Create a concept map to demonstrate connections you have made while learning about concepts in the video.
You might also need to use information in your textbook.
The video considers motivations beyond physiological needs. For the assignment, create a concept map that includes information from the video, as well as some physiological needs that you have learned about. And you need to consider Maslow’s hierarchy at the core, and then branch out from there with higher motivation
Can a person be inspired if their physiological needs have not been met?
The concept map should have:
A minimum of 4 branches and 4 levels in each branch.
Level 1 is the major topic
Level 2 is a subcategory within the topic
Level 3 is a more specific element of the subcategory
Level 4 is an application to life (how does it help understanding in a practical way).
An example might be taking a broad category at the initial level and then slowly becoming more specific in each of the levels you create. Make sure you include enough detail that you are adequately demonstrating your knowledge. Your last two levels of the map should contain more information. There are many ways to create a concept map.
Follow APA format (references; if applicable)

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