Create a contingency Plan

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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Instructions for Part 5 assignment:
Develop a simple, functional organization chart that does not identify names, but instead defines a profile of each key role that establishes credibility for the organization, including:
the knowledge, attitude and skills needed for each role
a very brief job descriiption for each role
a brief list of qualifications for each role. Research roles needed to run a franchise of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Residential Care Centers 24/7, across the USA. Name of company: Agape’ Residential Care Center.
Create a contingency Plan that:
includes risk assessment, analysis, and mitigation
identifies metrics for evaluating successful execution
Cite authoritative sources where applicable to support and lend credibility to any of the required components.
Citation Requirements: Cite 3-4 authoritative sources where applicable to support and lend credibility to any of the required components in each part
APA 7th Edition Formatting for the entire essay
Please review all attachments for key information to accurately complete this assignment.

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