Create a graphical representation that will assist you in making three recommendations.

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Mine, analyze, and graph data from an approved healthcare database such as You can use other databases, but please check with your instructor for approval. Determine which technology will best accomplish this task. Based on your analysis of trends and patterns, create a graphical representation that will assist you in making three recommendations. Present these results along with the graph(s) in an appropriate format, such as a Word document or a PowerPoint presentation. Include and explain the variables you used to mine your dataset and verify why you chose the technology. Cite your sources in an APA-formatted reference list.
Below is an example to help you complete this project:
You may choose pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations by state and consider the following:
1. The best criteria to include to provide a clear picture of the current situation.
2. The most effective dates to include in the data.
3. The most effective statistical software to mine the data.
Dataset is obtained from an approved database, such as healthdata.
An appropriate and original graphical representation is provided that is based on analysis of the data for trends and patterns.

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