Create a minimum 15-slide presentation, which includes 2 parts, negotiations and contracts.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Assignment Details
You are a project manager in an organization that does not have mature project procurement management practices. Vendors took advantage of weak procurement practices in your organization and managed to establish contractual relationships that exclusively protect their interests. Senior managers responsible for negotiating and authorizing contracts used to sign any contract that are presented by the vendor because your organization does not have a legal department or contract managers to assist them with contract selection.
Your manager tasked you to train managers who have contract signing authority to develop their negotiation skills and improve their understanding of the different types of contracts. Your job is to explain contract types that are favorable to your organization versus contracts types that favor vendor interests.
The following videos will help you create this presentation:
The Basics of Negotiation
Negotiation Strategies
Contract Types
Create a minimum 15-slide presentation, which includes 2 parts, negotiations and contracts. Please use the following template to complete the assignment:
Unit 3 assignment template
Negotiation Process
Negotiation Technique: Competing
Negotiation Technique: Accommodating
Negotiation Technique: Avoiding
Negotiation technique: Compromising
Negotiation technique: Collaborating
Firmed Fixed-Price Contract
Fixed-Price Incentive Fee Contract
Fixed-Price With Economic Price Adjustment Contract
Cost Plus Fixed-Fee Contract
Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract
Cost Plus Award Fee Contract
Time and Materials Contract

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