Create a recommendations report for risk management based on the above elements.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Prompt: Review the collateral information of Case Scenario 4. In the Assessment Data section, review the raw data of the TSCYC. Appropriately interpret the
scores. Based on your review of Therapeutic Risk Typologies, provide a one- to two-page recommendations report for child protective services.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
IV. Trauma Symptoms Among Children (Case Scenario 4)
a) Assess the extent to which the case study data set meets the Daubert standard (psychometrics). In other words, what is the known or potential
error rate? Has the data been derived using reliable methods? Is the data valid and reliable with regard to the scientific method?
b) Evaluate the interview information contained in the scenario for its implications in the risk assessment and recommendations process.
Substantiate your claims with specific research.
c) Evaluate the collateral information contained in the scenario for its implications in the risk assessment and recommendations process.
Substantiate your claims with specific research.
d) Create a recommendations report for risk management based on the above elements. Justify your position with specific scholarly research.
e) Be sure your recommendations report aligns with the ethical guidelines of a professional psychology association. Note: You do not need to belong to an organization, but rather may view the ethical guidelines on the website of the organization of your choice
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