Create a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Create a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.
Student Success Criteria
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You are a first-year graduate student. You are taking a graduate course on research and writing. In this assignment, your professor has asked that you create a research question for a topic you are interested in and that you also perform an initial literature review.
In a paper (8-10pages), do the following:
Explain the research question and why it is relevant. It should be researchable, feasible to pursue in the time span of a school term, and of high interest.
Explain what type of research will be most appropriate to answer the research question.
Perform a literature review to help identify how the research study will contribute to current knowledge about the topic. Include at least ten (10) scholarly sources from the last five years that are relevant to the research question. In the literature review, analyze the content of the articles reviewed, compare findings in different articles, and integrate the literature into an organized discussion.

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