Create a section in your Social Change Portfolio called “Part 5: “Advocacy”

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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You have explored a community problem from the perspective of prevention. Now, you will consider this problem through the lens of advocacy. Are there public policies that could change? Are there resources that could be enlisted? As you address the community problem you have chosen to explore for your social change portfolio, consider how advocacy might, for example, raise awareness or resolve issues.
For this Discussion, you will explore advocacy actions as they relate to the targeted community problem you chose.
To Prepare:
**Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider advocacy as it relates to your targeted community problem.
**Create a section in your Social Change Portfolio called “Part 5: “Advocacy” and include the following:
*According to the last domain of the MSJCC guidelines (i.e., IV. Counseling and Advocacy Interventions), identify barriers to addressing the target problem at institutional, community, and public policy levels.
*According to the last domain of the MSJCC guidelines (i.e., IV. Counseling and Advocacy Interventions), identify one advocacy action to take to address the target problem at each of the following levels: institutional, community, and public policy levels and further explain why each of these actions might be effective.
I have atteched the template and we are on part 5 advocacy. I have also attched the previous parts. Please use those previous parts to complete part 5. Let me know if we have any questions

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