Create a service action plan that describes the service project

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Plan to complete a minimum total of 10 service-learning volunteer hours by the end of the semester in an action or advocacy capacity. 
For this module, you will create a service action plan that describes the service project and the personal learning objectives you hope to achieve through it. These can include objectives such as become more aware of local and state-level advocacy opportunities for homeless veterans—and for each objective, include the following: a.) activities that will help you achieve this objective; b.) resources that will use; c.) how you’ll assess if you have met your objective.
Please copy and paste this format into your submission:
Service Project Description:
Organization(s) where I will be Serving:
Total # of Hours I Plan to Serve: 
Personal Learning Objective #1: List objective #1 here
a) Activities to achieve this objective include…
b) Resources I will use include… 
c) I will know I met my objective when…
Personal Learning Objective #2: List objective #2 here
a) Activities to achieve this objective include…
b) Resources I will use include… 
c) I will know I met my objective when…
(Can add more than two objectives if needed)

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