Create a standards-based 5E Lesson Plan that includes science and ELA integration.

Posted: July 19th, 2022

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Part 1
• Work on your own and create a standards-based 5E Lesson Plan that includes science and ELA integration.
• There must be at least one activity for each of the “E’s”. Your “teacher talk” should be specific to the topic, the standards, the time of day, and the resources, and should include explicit instructions for each activity within each “E”.
• Use a variety of resources (Discovery Ed, Science A-Z, STEM scopes, Nearpod, Newsela, Scholastic, Tumble Books, etc.)
• Find meaningful opportunities to include the standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening.
• Upload your 5E lesson plan into this assignment.
Part 2
The Implementation Checklist is provided below as an annotatable PDF. You must use the Canvas annotation tools to fill it out and answer the three reflection questions. Use the text tool as shown below.

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