Create a thread for your original post identified with your name.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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 Pricing is a key aspect of a product or service. 
 Using the information in your text and the NCSL article “Generic Retail Drug Pricing and States,” 
describe the pricing strategy for one of the companies mentioned in the article.  Then think of a prescription drug you or someone you know uses and describe your opinion of the price of this drug (s). Identify the likely pricing objective and the possible pricing strategy used. If you do not take any prescription drugs or know anyone who does, choose another product or service and identify the pricing objective and possible pricing strategies. Support your conclusions.
Participation Requirements: Original discussion forum posts:
Create a thread for your original post identified with your name.
Prepare a quality, substantive post that addresses the objectives of the discussion forum and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric
Include supportive evidence; such as direct applicable experience and expert sources.
Due no later than Wednesday at 11:59 PM CT

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