Create a timeline of significant events in U.S. history as they relate to the content of the film and economy

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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The short film needs to be watched and the questions answered. Link to short film: Now that you have screened the film’ Inequality for All’, we can decipher specific important themes are they relate to the American economy. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Working with the questions will prepare you for taking Exam 2. 1. Create a timeline of significant events in U.S. history as they relate to the content of the film and economy. 1930 1940 Mid 1940s- 1970s late 1970s- 1980s 1980s- current date 2. Describe and detail characteristics of Reich’s ‘Virtuous Cycle’. 3. Describe and and detail characteristics of Reich’s ‘Vicious Cycle’, 4. Identify some coping mechanisms used by the middle class in the 1970s and beyond to cope with declining wages. 5. Reich discusses U.S. political polarization in the society for the past decade (a phenomenon which has seemed to worsen in the current society). What groups does he identify? 6. What are your thoughts (in sum) on the issues presented in the film. A paragraph or two (at most) should suffice.

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