Create a tool students will use to monitor their daily progress in your humanities unit.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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 Create a tool students will use to monitor their daily progress in your humanities unit. Use the “Sample Student Self Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool” template to successfully complete this assignment.
Part 1: Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool
Include the following in the “Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool”:
Questions that are aligned with the learning objectives, and correlate to the knowledge and skills for each day of the unit plan
Range of mastery for students to evaluate their level of attainment of the objective, knowledge, and skills (similar to the range in a rubric)
Summative question or writing prompt requiring students to express understanding and/or application of the day’s learning.
Part 2: Reflection
In 150-250 words, reflect on progress monitoring and the tool you created.
Include the following in your reflection:
Rationale for your design choice. Discuss how the tool will help students monitor their own progress.
Explanation of how the tool will be implemented and evaluated.
Discussion of the importance and purpose of students monitoring their own progress.
Explanation of how you would use progress monitoring to inform instruction in your future professional practice.
Add your reflection to the bottom of the “Self-Progress Monitoring Assessment Tool.”

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