Create a VENN diagram to compare the two literary eras discussed in #2.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Choose FOUR pieces of literature and examine the relevant literary eras
Choose TWO authors from each of TWO of the literary periods listed (for a total of FOUR stories. (You may choose stories you have used for previous units)
For each story, provide a one paragraph summary (100-150 words) that clearly states the theme (message of the author) and explains how the author develops that message in the story
. For each of the two chosen literary periods, provide a summary (100-150 words) that explains the main concerns of the writers within the period. (For instance, the British Romantic writers focused on the restorative power of nature, the use of imagination, the impact of the supernatural world, and the rights of the individual in society) This should be two different paragraphs. This will require research. Please provide at least two URLs to demonstrate research sites used.
Create a VENN diagram to compare the two literary eras discussed in #2. Be sure to include the ideas that overlap between the two eras. Each era should have at least FOUR independent qualities (for a total of eight between the two eras) and three shared qualities
Discuss how the stories from each period chosen represent the ideas of that particular literary era and discuss how the stories from the two different eras compare to one another (similarities and differences) minimum TWO paragraphs. Specific quotes and references from the stories should be included to demonstrate alignment.
Reflect on any new understanding you gained from examining these stories within their historical context. One Paragraph minimum.

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