Create a way to address the problem based on the guidelines for effective communication in conflict situations

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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3 Types of Difficult Employees and How to Motivate Them

Read this article (Links to an external site.) on managing difficult people. It identifies three types of difficult employees. Now select one of the five workplace scenarios Download workplace scenariosin this link and act as a consultant on the case.
Apply what you learned from the chapter reading this week and from the article on managing difficult employees. Determine what type of difficult employee you have for your case; then decide if this scenario meets the definition of interpersonal conflict as it is discussed in the book (i.e., expressed disagreement, interdependence, and opposition). Next, create a way to address the problem based on the guidelines for effective communication in conflict situations (focusing on the overall communication system, time conflict effectively, aim for win–win conflict, etc.).
Your response should be a one-page (300-350 words) report that makes informed references from this module’s materials.

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