Create a worksheet to make a list of her book inventory including possible discount lists

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Final Project – You have been hired by Kelly’s Boutique as an accounting assistant. When you arrive on your first day, Kelly, the owner, already has some tasks she needs help with. She has asked you to use Excel to do the following: Create a worksheet to make a list of her book inventory including possible discount lists, 8% and 12% (Pg. 50-52 Case problem 1 part a and b) Create a financial analysis for Dec 31, 2018 and Dec 31, 2019. She would like to see a vertical and a horizontal analysis. Also include a pie chart, column chart, and ratio analysis as you did for chapter 3 assignment (pg. 80 Case problem 1) Create a fixed asset depreciation summary and depreciation worksheet for her assets using the double declining balance method. Kelly has already decided she will be using the double declining balance method, so there is no need to calculate the other methods or the comparison chart. (her asset information is on pg. 107 case problem 1) Create a Loan and bond amortization schedule so she can see what her best option is for borrowing money to finance her expansion (pg. 130-131 Case problem 1 parts a, b, c, d, and e) Create a cash budget (pg. 157-158 Case problem 1 part a) You are to complete all of Kelly’s task in the same excel workbook. The worksheets should be labeled with the following titles: inventory discount, financial analysis, depreciation summary, loan and bond amort, and cash budget. If you would like to use more than 1 worksheet for a task please label them financial analysis A, financial analysis B, etc…). The project is worth 50 points. Each task will be worth 10 points. Submit your finished assignment as one excel workbook saved as your name final (ex. John Doe final). Please note: I have attached the instructions and the relevant parts of the textbook you need. Please let me know if you need anything else or if I missed a page. Thanks.

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