Create an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible sources

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. Part 1 of Research Paper: Template Attached. 1-2 pages A. Compose an appropriate, arguable thesis statement that previews two to four main points and that you plan to use in your research paper. B. Create an annotated bibliography of eight to ten appropriate, credible sources that you plan to use in your research paper. 1. Provide a full, APA-formatted reference citation for the 8–10 sources. 2. Provide an annotation (suggested length of 150 words) for each of the 8–10 sources by doing the following: a. Summarize the information presented in the source. b. Analyze the credibility of the author of the source or of the publication (e.g. journal, publisher, or website), if no author is present. c. Analyze the relevance of the source to your chosen research topic. 3. Write each annotation in your own words, without the excessive use of direct quotation or extensive paraphrasing, for the 8–10 sources from part B. Part 2 of Research Paper 8-10 Pages A. Write an original and cohesive argumentative research paper (suggested length of 8–10 pages). 1. Provide an effective introduction. 2. Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four main points. 3. Develop each of the previewed main points in effective paragraphs with support from a variety of sources. 4. Provide an effective conclusion. 5. Incorporate seven academically credible sources in your paper. Topics you can choose! 🙂 Banking bailouts Best form(s) of advertising Best management style Best strategies for 401K retirement plans Bitcoin currency use Corporate culture (ways to influence it; most effective cultures; how employees contribute to it; etc.) Corporate responsibility Customer privacy Downsizing Data mining Employees and social media usage Employing individuals with disabilities/making accommodations Employing undocumented workers Entrepreneurship Farm subsidies Franchising Glass ceiling Globalization Going green Identity fraud Intellectual property/capital Internet/data security Minimum wage Outsourcing Retail floor plans that most affect profits Safety requirements for the workplace/environment Small business/locally owned businesses Specific strategy or practice is better or worse than another Underage workers Various types of management styles Whistle-blowing Workplace violence

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