Create an ethical analysis related to your company’s specific crisis identified in Module 2

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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Please read the textbook material about Ethics in Crisis Management and the attached word document on the topic before proceeding with the assignment.
Think about the ethical decisions that your company made during the crisis identified in Module 2. Consider the four questions below to help you to analyze your company’s ethical behavior and think about ways to improve its corporate ethics.
How did mismanagement contribute to the crisis?
How did the organization finally resolve the crisis and what legal implications were present (e.g., the settlement of lawsuits)?
What excuses did the company provide for any questionable behavior? What could the company have done differently?
How can the ethical culture of the organization be improved?
Create an ethical analysis related to your company’s specific crisis identified in Module 2 (word document attached). Such an analysis must of course consider the elements and anticipated actions embodied in the crisis plan, and should also consider the larger ethical context of the conditions (ethos, environment, etc) and normal operating principles driving the company, as these influence the likelihood, characteristics, and impact of any crisis. All ethical lapses represent mismanagement of one form or another, but not all mismanagement is an ethical lapse. Thus, please focus on “true” ethical lapses, and not just mismanagement per se. Do not just answer the questions above; they are for you to use as a guideline to assist in creating your analysis. . The analysis should be a short exposition, less than one page.
Share your exposition with your team.

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