Critical Media Literacy

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Essay 2: Critical Media Literacy
Prompt Option 1: After summarizing and explaining critical media literacy (CML) as it is presented in Kellner and Share, determine the extent to which Miss Representation and/or The Mask You Live In can be viewed as an illustration of the premises and practices of CML. You may incorporate additional outside sources as well, so long as the sources are introduced and cited responsibly.
Prompt Option 2: After summarizing and explaining critical media literacy (CML) as it is presented in Kellner and Share, demonstrate how the premises and practices of CML can be applied to a media text. The text will be one that you choose. In other words, utilize CML to analyze and discuss a text that interests you. Examples of media texts would include, for instance, a film, an episode of a TV show, a music video, or a social media site. Reference Miss Representation and/or The Mask You Live In to supplement Kellner and Share’s discussion of CML. ***Note: The final research project of the semester (Essay 4) will be devoted to music and music videos. If you want to begin considering a song/music video now, this prompt option will jumpstart the research process and allow you to begin collecting source material now.***
Prompt Option 3: Propose your own prompt option, one which takes up CML as its central concept and examines or applies that concept through analytical, research-informed inquiry and argumentation. Note: If you choose this prompt option, your topic must be pre-approved by Mr. Barlow. Contact him ASAP if you want to go this route.
Requirements for All Options:
Length: 1,000 words minimum
Format Requirement: MLA format (including works cited page)
Quotes Required: 4 minimum. Your response should include several direct quotes from Kellner and Share, along with quotes from your other sources (sources will vary depending on the prompt selected).
Grading Criteria (20% for each of the following):
Controlling Idea: The essay has a specific, research-based, arguable, and complex thesis.
Development: The essay uses research-based evidence and analysis to support an argument.
Sentences/Style: The essay applies a variety of sentence structures within a formal academic style.
MLA Formatting: The essay integrates appropriate MLA standards to the following (8) items: heading, running header, fonts, spacing, indentation, works cited page, in-text citations, and correct use of block quotes (if used), with minor errors.
Informational Literacy: The research demonstrates information competency in these three items: locating, interpreting, and evaluating appropriate sources.

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