Define “empathy” and describe the role of empathy in counseling.

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a social work multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.- Define “empathy” and describe the role of empathy in counseling. Identify at least two techniques used to demonstrate empathy. Read and complete the “Empathetic Listening Practice Exercise.” What did you learn from the exercise? How do you know you were effective with the client? How well did you feel you attuned to your volunteer client? If using a volunteer, be sure you obtain a verbal consent from the volunteer. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response. (150) – Describe the skills of probing and summarizing. Identify verbal and nonverbal cues clients may present which communicates to the counselor the session is effective and cues the session is ineffective. Read and complete the “Probing and Summarizing Practice Exercise.” What did you learn from the exercise? What went well? What could have gone better? How well do you feel that your probing and summarizing furthered the counseling process? Did you notice any cues the session was effective or ineffective? If using a volunteer, be sure you obtain a verbal consent from the volunteer. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response (150)
Requirements: 300

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